
EXP3 - Mashup and Valley

Coca cola company has 126 years history in business, more than 200 countries sell coca cola baeverages. Althogh Facebook was founded in early 2004,Facebook now is the world's largest social network. 
 Coca-Cola Enterprises invested £5m in the largest bottle recycling facility in the world.
The Coca-Cola Company announced a $3.5 million (USD) commitment to the United States Water Partnership (USWP) to advance sustainable water access in African countries facing the greatest clean water challenges. 
 On Tuesday, Coca-Cola Co. KO said they found value in Facebook advertising. Coca-Cola marketing chief Joe Tripodi said at an advertising conference in Cannes, France, that was also attended by Facebook executives that Facebook ads probably help drive its beverage sales.
Coca cola brand is worth about 74 millions.Facebook finally gone public. It's priced its shares at $38, which means the company is worth more than $100 billion. 

facebook:http://www.crunchbase.com/company/facebook; http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052702303703004577476611850117678.html  
coca cola:http://www.thecoca-colacompany.com/ourcompany/index.html;  http://www.guardian.co.uk/sustainable-business/best-practice-exchange/coca-cola-enterprises-transforming-recycling?newsfeed=true

The valley I choose is located in Fujiang province China, my hometown. The U shape river like a blue ripple surounded the mountain which is the most attractive part for me.
                                           photo in cryengine

